Page 13 - Transformation Report.indd
P. 13

In 2016, black candidate attorney appointments in the Group
            exceeded  the set Group  target of  32% black candidate attorney
            appointments with an average of 53.7% of all candidate attorney
            appointments in the Group being black, and 30% of all candidate
            attorney appointments  being black female appointments. From a
            gender perspective, female candidate attorneys of all races in the
            Group made up 56.3% of all appointments confi rming that the
            majority of new candidate attorneys appointed in 2016 were female.

            The above metrics received affi rmation in 2017 with a 52.7% average
            of all candidate attorneys appointed in the Group in 2017 being
            black candidate attorneys, and 29.8% of all candidate attorney
            appointments  being  black  female  appointments.  From  a  gender   An average of
            perspective it is interesting that 2017 saw the average for new female
            candidate attorney appointments increase even further to 64.9%    more than 50%
            of all appointments, hinting at a growing (and long overdue) shift
            towards a larger female contingent of legal professionals.        black candidate

            Holistically viewed, the progress of member fi rms is satisfactory, with   attorneys are
            further growth expected for 2018 as a result of recruitment campaigns
            and programmes aimed at attracting more black and female          appointed year
            candidates to member fi rms. Member fi rms have also understood
            the need to up their buying power and have increased the average
            candidate attorney remuneration in the Group by nearly 11% from   on year across all
            2016 to 2017, exceeding the normal infl ationary salary increments
            encountered at law fi rms and evidencing a concerted effort to    Group fi rms
            attract quality candidate attorneys.

                                                                                A new breed of law fi rm 11
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